Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Marathon I Call Unpacking

I love to travel, but I hate to pack and sometimes unpacking can even be worse.  By waiting until the very last minute to pack like I usually do, at least there is a time limit which pushes me to go faster.  I do not have hours to debate over which shirt to bring which unfortunately leads to over-packing or having to play eenie-meenie-miney-mo to choose which one.  However, unpacking is a whole other story.  Many times there is not a deadline that I have to finish by so my clothes can end up sitting in a pile for days before I get around to hanging them up.  The reality is that it never takes nearly as long to unpack as I expect it to once I get started; it is just the getting started part that I have problems with. 
Coming home from school this year was no exception.  I was exhausted from trying to pack everything for the summer into just two suitcases so the first night I did not even touch my bags and found a t-shirt to sleep in.
 Day 2:  I opened my bags.
 Day 3:  I hung up most of my clothes.
 Day 3:  But as you can see my room was still a mess.
Day 4:  You can finally see the floor!  Unfortunately the clean floor didn't last too long.

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