Sunday, September 4, 2011

Baylor Football...I'm Back!

Two years since a football game, now that’s an eternity for any Texan.  However, I wouldn’t trade my time in Madrid for anything, even a football game, but come Friday night I was almost giddy for the game.  Baylor football has had its ups and downs, but regardless their fans still back them 100%.
Freshmen in their line jerseys all decked out for the game.
This Friday was the opening game of the season against none other than TCU.  Not only is there the rivalry because they are another Texas team, but they also happened to do very well last year.  Of course in true southern form, my sorority had a tailgate mixer with KOT before the game. 
We all tried to pretend it wasn’t 95 degrees outside and did quite a good job.  Maybe the excitement from starting off the season had something to do with that.  Now I have a confession to make.  When it comes to football or really any sports game for that matter, I prefer to people watch than game watch.  However I do my best to be a supportive fan and follow along to the best of my abilities and partake in all the cheers.
I couldn't find my brother, but I did find two of his roommates.
The majority of the game we were beating TCU by a landslide.  However, Baylor can be an emotional team and somehow allowed TCU to catch up in the last quarter.  It was not looking too good for the Baylor Bears, but in the last minute we gained possession of the ball and kicked a field goal to win the game.  I could not believe it; the Bears had done what many thought was impossible. 
This of course called for one thing, rushing the field.  Next thing you know the entire student body was flying over the rails and down onto the field.  I could not have asked for a better way to end a 2 year break from football and to start off the 2011 season!  Sic ‘em Bears!

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