Tuesday, April 5, 2011


we do not
remember days...
we remeber
(cesare pavese)

This past weekend I spent the night in Austin with two of my roommates, Chloe and Emily, to celebrate all of the great things happening in our lives.  Within a 7 day period, Emily and Chloe both celebrated birthdays and I found out that I got an internship in NYC for the summer.  We had a wonderful time relaxing by the pool, getting dressed up, and going out for a delicious dinner at Ranch 616.  It was not the trip itself that was so special, but all the little moments, the laughs shared, and pictures taken that will make us remember our time together forever.

Between the three of us we brought about 15 dresses for less than 24 hrs.
The Austin city view from Chloe's family's apartment where we stayed.

What's a birthday party without a birthday hat??




Just in case you were wondering how we took a picture of all three of us...
Self-timer, a little bit of balancing, and a Shipley's Donut box work wonders.

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