Sunday, December 4, 2011

The 8am

Five days ago was Tuesday.  That means that I had to wake up by 7:15 to make my 8am ProSales class.  Actually it should be called the 7:50 because we have too much to do in an hour and fifteen minutes so we need to come to class early.

Well Tuesday I somehow didn't hear my alarm.  Well actually I did hear my alarm but turned it off only to awake at 7:52. Shoot!!  I flew out of bed, pulled some sweatshirt on and quickly brushed my teeth, laughing the entire time.  As I ran out the door I saw what looked to be a life-size pink bunny in my kitchen; turns out it was one of my roommates in pink footie pajamas.

Amazingly I made it to class by 8:02 but of course everyone was already there.  Oh well, I guess sometimes you just have to arrive fashionably late, especially when your outfit is anything but fashionable.

After class I decided to work out on the Stairmaster.  Our school gym has a policy that you must lock your belongings in a locker.  As I climbed on the machined with the locker key, I heard a clunk and assumed the key had fallen in the machine, since I didn’t see it anymore.  For some reason this did not seem problematic to me until I finished my workout and realized I needed the key to get my backpack back.  And might I add this backpack had all of my homework, keys, phone and wallet so I needed it.

The front desk went to get the master key only to come back 10 minutes later saying the person with the master key was in Florida and that they would not be able to open it.  I suggested jimmying the lock but they didn’t like that idea.  After calmly explaining EVERYTHING I needed was in that locker they agreed to call maintenance to take apart the Stairmaster to retrieve the key.  An hour later I had a key covered in dust bunnies and an open locker.

Just when I thought my bad luck was over, my computer went on the fritz.  It started making funny noises and flashing like a space shuttle about to crash.  When I restarted it, I was greeted with two identical copies of my screen on top of each other, with a quarter of the screen being black.  Let’s just say that made for a difficult night of computer work.

I guess some days we all have those unlucky “8AMers” but that is just part of life.  I am so blessed in so many ways that sometimes I need a bit of bad luck to remind me just how lucky I am.

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